Stories of Transformation
We believe that what the Lord has done in your life He wants to do through your life. Our stories prophesy to the earth what the Lord can do. We’ve created a space to share what the Lord has done in lives of those in our community.
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Faith & Holy Spirit
There are many aspects of our faith and our relationship with the Holy Spirit. For some of our best posts that address this topic, click below.

The Kingdom & Money Part 6: Not Developing Leaders
The Kingdom of God has been spreading and expanding for the last 2,000 years. Its expansion is always based on the development of more disciples every year. Disciples are those who learn the disciplines; one of those disciplines is giving. Remember, Jesus said it’s more blessed to give than receive. Our topic today has to do with the development of disciples who understand God’s plan and are generous in their giving.

The Kingdom & Money Part 5: Not Financially Aware
Money and life are inseparable! The Bible freely talks about money, its use, and its dangers. I’m sure the Bible does this because of its great importance in daily activity and our overall wellbeing. In fact, money is so inseparable from our lives that we can’t function without it. Churches can’t exist and the Kingdom would not even move ahead. Being aware of God’s thoughts on money is absolutely essential for a fruitful life.

The Kingdom & Money Part 4: Not Financially Oriented?
Understandably, many just don’t have financial thinking as a significant gift in their lives. While this, in and of itself, is not sin, it does lead to some particular problems. Men frequently believe they should be good with finances. They are quickly embarrassed when they are not highly functional in this aspect. Some are even afraid to allow their spouses to take charge. (By the way, many women are outstanding with finances and may need to lead in a family setting.)

The Kingdom & Money Part 3: Not Personally Generous
Our God has promised us an abundant life (John 10:10). Yet the vast majority of Christians live no differently than the people of the world who have no such promise. Surprisingly, many Christians do not believe God wants to prosper them and therefore have never become generous.

The Kingdom & Money Part 2: Uncomfortable with Money
To those who are uncomfortable with the topic of money, it has a habit of seeming to be right in front of them at all times. From the extreme of outrageously high salaries to the crushing poverty of those who live in great need and desperate situations, we are bombarded with money and its importance.

The Kingdom & Money Part 1: Money Matters
Money is a big deal! It’s certainly a big deal to all of us who are still working. We give roughly one-fourth of our lives to our jobs because we all know it takes money to survive at any level. From a Kingdom perspective, money is also important. Did you know that there are over 2,000 references to money in the Bible?

Infidelity & The Church Series
Nobody likes to acknowledge that Christians can find themselves in this place, but it happens. Engage with this series as Cassie vulnerably shares the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to walking this stuff out in the church.
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Doris had a rare retinal disease since she was a child. This disease made her vision very cloudy and blurry, and would also put a web-like structure over her vision. She recently had Covid and everything got worse and she developed arthritis throughout her body, which is actually linked to her rare disease. This day at the conference, she could barely see.