The Kingdom & Money Part 4: Not Financially Oriented?
Not My Thing
Understandably, many just don’t have financial thinking as a significant gift in their lives. While this, in and of itself, is not sin, it does lead to some particular problems. Men frequently believe they should be good with finances. They are quickly embarrassed when they are not highly functional in this aspect. Some are even afraid to allow their spouses to take charge. (By the way, many women are outstanding with finances and may need to lead in a family setting.)
It’s Like a Foreign Language
Even though I’ve done mission work in various countries, I’ve never taken a foreign language class in my life. I marvel at those who know more than one language, but I have no innate ability to pick up a second language. Money is that way for many people. Recommendation: Just as I use translators in countries such as Mexico, China or Taiwan, I recommend some of you find a translator in the financial world. It has a language of its own.
Fear Is a Barrier
Because people are uncomfortable with money, they assume that by ignoring it, the problem will go away. In general, things tend to go downhill from that decision. People think that by ignoring the biblical mandates and promises on finances, they will prosper just the same as if they follow them. It usually doesn’t work that way. God has a plan, and He expects us to exercise faith in it as we walk out our daily lives.
Many Resources Are Available
Our church has wonderful classes like “Living Generously,” “Financial Hope Workshop,” etc. There are books such as The Blessed Life by Robert Morris or Poverty, Riches, and Wealth by Kris Vallotton. The latter book is newer and gives an outstanding overview of why God wants us to prosper.
Get Help
Many pastors, as well as others, are not competent with money, yet money is what keeps our doors open. John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard movement, is famous for saying that our most important job as pastors is to have enough money to keep the church open for another week. In other words, if we had no money, we would not be open and would be out of business. Once we’re out of business, we could no longer help people. He encouraged us to find those among us with financial gifts and let them train us. I encourage you to do the same.
Happy Leman
The Vineyard Church // Urbana, IL