The Kingdom & Money Part 5: Not Financially Aware
Money in the Bible
Money and life are inseparable! The Bible freely talks about money, its uses, and its dangers. I’m sure the Bible does this because of its great importance in daily activity and our overall well-being. In fact, money is so inseparable from our lives that we can’t function without it. Churches can’t exist and the Kingdom would not move ahead. Being aware of God’s thoughts on money is absolutely essential for a fruitful life.
God is Wealthy
A simple reading of the Bible shows that God has no needs. He owns the cattle on the hills and the gold of the earth. He lives in a place where the streets are pure gold. Just meditate on these concepts for a few moments. If God was so against wealth (money), why is heaven so lavishly decorated, the earth supplied with such an abundance of resources, and God’s children promised an abundant life? It all begins with a mindset.
God Wants to Provide
What father desires for his children to live in any form of poverty or want? Of course, no earthly father would want that—why do we assume our heavenly Father would want anything like that for us? The Bible repeatedly says God wants to provide all that we need. In fact, I love the passage in Psalm 23:5 that says our cup overflows. God is not into just providing for our needs; He’s into giving us abundantly more than we could ask or imagine. Depending on how verses are counted, money is either the first or second most important topic in the ministry of Jesus Christ. That should send a message in and of itself.
Learn His Ways
Jesus (God) was the smartest being who ever lived on Earth. It’s just possible that His book would be the wisest source of information regarding finances in the entire world. I suggest that we, as believers, get into the Book, understand His principles, and begin to apply them to our lives. People of all cultures who have understood this have learned to prosper in good times and bad times.
Choose His Ways
Luke 16:13 says that there are two systems. There’s the world’s financial system and God’s financial system. They operate on very different principles. The Bible is very clear that we will love one system and hate the other. Which system have you chosen to follow with your life? God’s way always starts with generosity. Its foundational principle is to give our first fruits (a tithe—10% of our increase) to the church where we are attached. So many people refuse to go “all in” with God and actually try to live with a foot in both systems. It rarely works very well. Choose today whether you will use the world’s system or God’s system.
Enjoy the Benefits
I love the emphasis in the book of Ecclesiastes about enjoying life. God did not put us on earth to simply suck it up, endure, and hope we make it to the end. He wanted His children to live vibrant, abundant lives in a sad, decaying world. We are to be the carriers of the Good News, full of life, joy, and the resources of heaven. We are to have so much that we can freely give it away. In the whole process, it allows us to live the abundant life as well as the generous life. Enjoy!
Happy Leman
The Vineyard Church // Urbana, IL