Revival in the Corner
God is breaking His Church free of insecurities and competitions. I’m certain of it. I see it happening increasingly in my own community, and I regularly hear beautiful stories of it happening elsewhere. I’d like to share one personal story in the hope that the Lord will speak to you in the context of your relationships with those around you.
How God Breaks In
This week, I have had the privilege of doing some remodeling work in another church in our community. Since pastoral ministry is part-time for me, I do handyman work on the side. I’m so thankful for this setup. My handy work is therapeutic, and the Lord often speaks to me when I am working with my hands. Yesterday, while remodeling at the church, I had such a moment. We had had a full day of going up and down ladders, painting some of the high and awkward spots around the stage. It was so exciting to see the room transform, that I eagerly went from spot to spot, wanting to give my best to see the transformation. At the end of the day, I found myself painting the 2nd coat of trim in a dark corner under the stairs—the least visible spot in the room. That’s when the Lord took me to a memory:
The first time I came into this building, I had found myself in this very corner. The church had hosted a worship gathering that was aimed at bringing the faith community together simply to worship. I showed up, but my heart was not in a good place. I had been a part of many efforts to draw the larger faith community together, and this church had NOT been engaged to a level of my approval. I’ll admit that a secret part of me hoped this event would not be a success. That would show them.
Much to my disappointment, the parking lot was full. I walked into the sanctuary and there was hardly room to walk. On the opposite side of the room, I finally found an open seat—in the corner, nearly under the stairs. The atmosphere of the room was electric, full of energy and joy. I tried to worship, but the atmosphere in me had been hijacked. I was bitter, resentful, and judging. Accusations against the people up front flowed freely through my mind. I told myself that I should be up there leading, but I’m stuck in the back corner, because no one appreciates me... it was not my best moment!
Then the Lord spoke directly to me, “Kyle, this is exactly what you prayed for. Why are you resisting and rejecting what I’m doing?”
In moments like this when the Lord’s voice convicts my heart, it’s amazing how good it feels. Hearing Him so clearly in my heart both crushed me and broke me free in a moment. It was like I had unknowingly been in bondage. A heavy yoke of resentment and bitterness had been choking the life out me, then in a moment it was exposed, and I was free to step out from under it. I immediately apologized to the Lord, and I prayed blessing over everyone up front. “Jesus thank you for stirring all of our hearts to walk in unity with love and adoration for you. I celebrate my brothers and sisters, and I bless what you are doing in and through them here.” My heart was flooded with love and honor for everyone in the room, and for the church hosting the event. No one had a clue about my own little revival in the corner under the stairs. It was just me and the Father, celebrating His precious kids.
How God Uses Relationships
God really does reward us for our hidden moments of devotion. Just 5 months later, I began to develop a friendship with the pastor of the church and a few others, and I was invited to bring our School of Kingdom Ministry site into their building. We had been meeting in Springfield, and had dreamed of bringing the school to Urbana. The pastor heard about the school and agreed that we needed it in Urbana. We were able to use their building and host the school in our community.
Over the last two years, I’ve been able to get to know the church family more. They are different from us. They see and value different things about Jesus, they have different sayings, different practices. But I’ve discovered that they love Jesus, and I think they actually understand some things about Jesus that I hadn’t yet discovered! They delight in Jesus, and pursue Him, and seek to live a lifestyle of obedience and dependence on His Holy Spirit. I’ve benefitted greatly from my interactions with this church community and am so grateful for their influence in my life and in my community.
How God Works Through Unity
Insecurity and competition rob us of the gifts and graces that others carry. The Grace of God is meant to flow freely through the Body, strengthening each part as it’s built up in love. Just as our physical bodies are built with the beautiful ability to work together, so the Body of Christ has an amazing capacity to function together in mutual honor and selfless service.
We are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
— Ephesians 4:15-16
Insecurity and competition breed fear of the success of others and shut us off from Grace that we need from one another. I am certain that God is breaking these things off of the Church in OUR day. I believe we will see countless individuals and churches who are awakened to their value in Christ, and who, in turn, are freed to see the value in others.
I was blown away at the contrast of my heart as I painted beneath the stairs. I had hoped for their demise, and for myself to be front and center. Now, I am celebrating their upgrade and feeling privileged to serve, painting the least visible trim in the room. Friends, that is the heart of God! He entrusts His beautiful heart to you and I, that we would see one another the way He sees us, and experience His delight!
Kyle Peters
Crossway Vineyard Church // Urbana, OH