What causes a person to walk away from faith after thirty years of walking with Jesus? On the other hand, what are the beliefs and practices that encourage faithfulness and resilience on one’s spiritual journey? A few years ago, I saw a critically acclaimed film that documented the true story of a woman’s journey of salvation found and lost. Because this woman was my age and had similar faith and life experiences, I was deeply impacted by the sobering reality of someone losing faith even after many, many years of faithfulness. And she seemed perfectly happy abandoning what she once held dear and joining the growing number of folks who no longer believe. I was captivated, troubled, and motivated. It caused me to take inventory of my own faith journey and ask:
“What am I doing to keep my faith alive and healthy? What might I be doing, or not doing, that is harming my faith? Where am I really in my relationship with Jesus?”
I want to stay passionate about Jesus forever, so these were important questions. I began by doing the one thing I have learned is most helpful in any relationship: Be brutally honest—with myself and with God. It took the Holy Spirit to search out the deep parts of my soul and shine His light to expose what I really thought, what I questioned, and where I was struggling in my faith journey. And it took the Holy Spirit to send me on a whole new path of renewed love for Jesus, renewed commitment to a vibrant faith and a fresh determination to finish well, empowered by His Presence. I want to have a Forever Faith.
I challenge you to be brutally honest, ask the Holy Spirit to do a thorough examination of your faith and be ready to become more resilient and passionate than ever, forever!
Dianne Leman
The Vineyard Church
Urbana IL