I will never live down the epic moment when I passionately said to a room full of people, “Here at the Vineyard, we spell ‘risk’ R-I-S-K.” If you don’t know, the correct quote it is “We spell ‘faith’ R-I-S-K.” I have a feeling many of you can relate to a moment on the mic you will never live down (see my challenge to the side) Faith is about risk! ...Living beyond ourselves. I believe the familiar is a faith killer, and if I’m not careful, I can reserve faith for ministry moments instead of receiving faith for everyday moments. So, I challenge myself regularly to consider how much faith I’m exercising. What can I do on my own vs. partnership with the Father. Who else is going to hold us accountable if we don’t? Here are a few practical ways I regularly engage myself and others in faith.
Toilet Faith: I only engage myself in this activity so relax! But, God invited me to stop taking my phone to the bathroom and use the time to pray for people I know who have cancer or long-term illness. Simple way to exercise faith (hopefully regularly). haha!
Family Faith: As I’m engaging with my kids in conversations, I often ask them a quick question like, “What do you sense Jesus is saying to you about that?” or “How can you encourage that person today?” These are simple ways to teach them to turn to God for solutions beyond themselves!
Relational Faith: Whether it’s club volleyball or school sports, I am often part of conversations where parents are sharing tensions about leadership or other parents. I find myself wondering, “How can I engage while releasing faith?” I listen and consider how to present a solution rather than engage in the problem. Wisdom presented in love shifts a conversation. Often, God will give perspective needed in how to empathize while being wise.
I hope that reading this is sparking reminders in you of practical ways YOU can engage with faith! Take the challenge of holding yourself accountable to more faith, every day.
Carolyn Yoder
The Vineyard Church
Sullivan IL